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Why wait for the perfect lawn?

(Scroll your mouse over the image below to learn the benefits of having us install a new lawn for you)

Hand Preparation

Of Proper Substrate

Less than 24 Hours

From Harvest to Installation

100% Coverage

In a day

Hand Installation

Means better fits

& Tighter Seams

Clean Start

Weed-Free Beginning

Instant Lawn

No Waiting



We can turn that bumpy, hard, compacted soil into plush green grass in a single day.

After we professionally renovate and prepare your existing lawn, we then can roll out a beautiful carpet of fresh green grass for an instant lawn. There is no faster or more effective way of obtaining a beautiful, thick, plush green lawn.


We use only the finest quality Turf-Type Tall Fescue, St Augustine, Zoysia or Bermuda sod, cut fresh and installed less than 24 hours after being harvested to provide the healthiest, most beautiful lawn possible. Give us a call to discuss different options and decide which one is right for you. The call, consultation and estimate are always free of charge. Get the lawn you want, the lawn you deserve, now. If you need lawn sod installation, Chesapeake, VA, or are in need of sod installation Virginia Beach, VA, or in Norfolk, VA, fill out the contact form below and get a free estimate, today






We can give you a new lawn via sod installation, Chesapeake, VA. 

Sod installation is the fastest and most thorough way to have a great looking lawn without years of work and waiting. We have sod, turf installation, virginia beach, va and in chesapeake, norfolk and portsmouth.


By clearing away the mixtures of weeds/grasses and other unsightly things growing in the lawn and performing sod installation, chesapeake, va residents,  as well as residents of norfolk, portsmouth and virginia beach can have the lawn of their dreams, today.



Do you need new sod, turf installation, Virginia Beach, VA?


Let our trained staff replace your disheveled, ugly, mess of a yard, with beautiful, thick grass for you and your family to enjoy for years to come


Get premium sod installation, Virginia Beach, VA!



A Fresh Look

If you're tired of fighting with cool season grasses that require constant water and disease controls, then consider a warm season lawn sod installation, Chesapeake, VA! Warm season grasses like Zosyia, Bermuda or even St Augustine may be the answer to the same lawn problems summer after summer. Ask us for more information!

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